Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Setting out: This blog and my perception of math

This blog is about how I percieve mathematics. Not all of it though - this blog is about why I think mathematics is beautiful.

Mathematics is an art. Every theory is a beautiful picture. Let me convince you this is so.

The most basic of arts is music. You need no training to enjoy music and it makes your mind wonder into wonderful places. It evokes strong emotion and makes your body move of its own accord. Music is beautiful.

Painting is another art. You don't need any special training to enjoy it, but it will benifit you if you have some - some pictures only show their true colors to a true connoisseur. It also does not evoke such strong emotion, and it will hardly make you move. Still, many people enjoy it immensly.

Mathematics is an art. You need special training to enjoy it though. When you grasp a part of a theory, the feeling can be exhilarating. It feels great to be able to understand complex structure, and it is even more beautiful to see simplicity in it. It is truly hard to convey in words how that feels - it is like trying to tell someone how you felt when you heard an awesome drumbeat the last time you were at a concert.

Here, with this blog, I'll try to lower a ladder for you to see some of the beauty of mathematics. If you already are a mathematician, I hope to make you see things in a new way. It is supposed to be light reading, full of jest and wit, but it might not always turn out so. For instance, when writing this post, I'm kind of moved by what I want to say in the next one, so I don't joke as much and I don't interrupt text with comments.

Comments are welcome and I'll try to answer them as best I can.

Until next time, keep enjoying art.


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